Water Conservation

Water Status

How does the current lake level get updated? 
Stafford County Reservoir:
Capacity Average Level
Lake Mooney Reservoir
5.4 billion gallons (BG) 226ft
Smith Lake Reservoir
2.14 billion gallons (BG) 90ft


Ideas for Conserving Water

  • Never pour water down the drain when there may be another use for it. For example, use it to water your indoor plants or garden.
  • Defrost foods in the refrigerator or microwave rather than under running water.
  • Do not let the faucet run when brushing your teeth instead use a glass of water to rinse.
  • Do not let the faucet run when rinsing vegetables instead use a pan of water or the sink instead.
  • If pre-rinsing dishes use the sink and do not let the faucet run.
  • If upgrading appliances or plumbing fixtures, choose the ones that conserve water. A high efficiency, front loading washing machine can use 30% less water than a top loading model.
  • If watering, don’t water the sidewalk, driveway, or street.
  • Install water conserving faucet aerators and showerheads.
  • Repair leaky pipes and faucets. A slow steady drip can waste 350 gallons of water per month. Not only does this waste water it increases your sewer bill and can increase your energy costs if it is hot water.
  • Repair leaky toilets. A leaky toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day.
  • Reposition downspouts onto lawn and garden areas rather than sidewalks or the driveway.
  • Run dishwashers only when full, using the water saver feature if available.
  • Run washing machines only when full and on the proper load size selection.
  • Take shorter showers or a shower instead of a bath.
  • Turn off faucets when not in use. Do not let the faucet run when shaving instead use rinse water in the sink.
  • Turn off icemakers and use trays instead.
  • Use a broom or blower instead of the hose to clean off sidewalks and driveways.
  • Use paper or recyclable plates and cups to cut down on dish washing.
  • For more tips visit https://www.ready.gov/drought

Watering Wisely

  • Always use a shut-off nozzle on your hose when washing vehicles or watering plants.
  • An average lawn needs only 1 inch of water once per week.
  • Install an automatic sprinkler timer on an outdoor faucet.
  • Plant with water-efficient landscaping and use mulch. Organic mulches, such as aged manure, compost, bark, or wood chips, cover and cool soil thus minimizing evaporation.
  • Reprogram automatic electronic controllers frequently to correspond with current weather conditions.
  • Sweep outside with a broom, not a hose. Five minutes of hosing uses up to 25 gallons of water.
  • Thatch and aerate your lawn for better water filtration.
  • Use more efficient sprinklers that provide large drops of water close to the ground.
  • Use mulch / compost for trees, plants, and shrubbery. Mulch helps the soil maintain moisture.
  • Use rain shutoff devices.
  • Use soaker hoses or a drip irrigation system for flower and plant beds.
  • Water early. The earlier you water, the better.
  • Water longer but less frequently.
  • Consider rainwater harvesting where practical.

More information can be found in the links below.